In our Village

Havashire Guild our Lake Havasu City home guild and Queen’s court

Havashire Guild our Lake Havasu City home guild and Queen’s court

Our Faire Guilds

A renaissance faire would not be possible without it's diverse variety of guilds that make their way to faire each year and populate our village. Guilds that attend our faire each year bring a cast of members that include everything from nobility, pirates and even the simple village folk. Our guilds attending faire also have many educational opportunities that lie within their encampments, so be sure to stop by each one and explore what they have to offer. Some examples include, sword and weapons history, pirate education, arts and crafts, living encampments and more! Even our Queen belongs to one of our Guilds. 

Demonstrations & Activities

Whether it be trying your hand at the archery tournament, learning how to handle a sword or watching the artisan work of the blacksmith or weavers, the London Bridge Renaissance Faire has you covered! A complete list of activities will be forthcoming.

Sword Fighting school. One of our free educational activities

Sword Fighting school. One of our free educational activities


Children’s Activities & Pirates Cove

The London Bridge Renaissance Faire is a place for families to have FUN!! Kids of all ages, & those young at heart, are encouraged to check out a variety of activities designed to entertain & inspire your child & your inner child! Enter Pirate’s Cove & escape into a world of buccaneers, smugglers, & booty. Whatever your fancy, you're sure to have a rip-roarin' Renaissance Faire good time!

What you'll find for 2020 is coming soon!