‘Twas a Midsummer Night’s Dream
“The course of true love never did run smooth.” ― William Shakespeare
The beloved Shakespearean (play) comes to life this year at the Faire. For when each Faire sun do set, ‘tis not the end of Faire happenings but a journey into fantasy and wonder. And since thy Faire be on the weekend of April Fool’s, shall we enlighten you on the foolishness of young love?
HARK THY WARNING! The Faeries may be playful and friendly but they doth have agendas of tomfoolery. Just as the lovers of the Midsummer Night’s Dream, these tricksters will fool you into merriment, confusion of joy, and may even have you fall in love with the donkey!
Journey with us now to the Forest of Athenia…
In the Forest of Athenia, many odd characters abound. As you wander the forest, you may encounter some of these mortals & faeries:
Oberon, King of the Faeries [oh-bur-ohn]:
Oberon is the Royal Highness of the Faery kingdom. He is kind, warm, and deeply in love with his queen– even to the point of revenge! If you meet Oberon, bear greeting and bow to your royal Faery King.
Titania, Queen of the Faeries [tih-tayn-yuhh]:
Titania is the Royal Queen of the Faeries and the wife of King Oberon. She may get on her husband’s nerve, but her whimsy will have you under her spell everytime.
Puck, Servant of King Oberon [Puhck]:
Puck is a mischievous sprite and Oberon's servant and jester. As his “hobgoblin” reputation suggests, Puck is fun-loving and quick-witted.
Nick Bottom, Actor and “Donkey’s Head” [Nihck Boh-tuhm]:
Bottom's head is transformed by Puck into that of a donkey, making him the butt of the joke. If you run into Nick, do greet him kindly (but try to not mention the head!)